SKD Advisor Awards

Dr. Leigh Ann Rhea Outstanding Advisor Award

($300 award)



The Dr. Leigh Ann Rhea Outstanding Advisor Award is given annually to an advisor who gives generously of their time, talent, and creativity to a local chapter.


The recipient of the Dr. Leigh Ann Rhea Outstanding Advisor Award will receive a $300 check.

The award is named in honor of Dr. Leigh Ann Rhea, of Calhoun Community College, who has dedicated many years of service as an advisor, National Board member, and organizational champion to SKD. Dr. Rhea, through her service, support, and mentorship, fully exhibits what it means to be an outstanding advisor.



1. Prior to nomination, the nominee must have served for three consecutive years as Advisor of an active SKD chapter.

2. A nominee cannot have received the Dr. Leigh Ann Rhea Outstanding Advisor Award in the past three years.

3. A nominee must not be serving as a member of the Advisory Council at the time of nomination.


Evaluation and Selection Process:

1. The National Office will verify active chapter status.

2. Judges will be at least three members of the Sigma Kappa Delta evaluation team.

3. The winner of the Dr. Leigh Ann Rhea Outstanding Advisor Award will be announced at the annual convention in the following year.


Nomination Procedure:

1. Chapter members may nominate their Advisor by submitting a nomination letter. Each chapter may nominate only one advisor each year, and each chapter may submit only one letter of nomination. Chapters submitting more than one letter will not be considered for the award.

2. The nomination letter, which should not exceed 1,000 words, should include support and examples of the nominee’s contributions as Advisor.

3. Nomination letters should be submitted to the Sigma Kappa Delta National Office (

4. The submission deadline is Thursday, October 31, 2024.