General FAQ's
Membership Benefits
Advantages include the following:
Prestige of membership in a national honor society.
Apply for scholarships and awards.
Vote at all chapter meetings of the society.
Eligibility to serve as a chapter officer.
Attend scholarly presentations and colloquia of the sponsoring academic department.
Represent the local chapter at state, regional, and national conventions.
Receive other benefits, such as publications, of the Society.
Associate with other Sigma Kappa Delta members on local levels and regional levels and with Sigma Kappa Delta and Sigma Tau Delta members on the national level who share your interest in literature, the English language, and fine arts.
Become a member of Sigma Kappa Delta
Your school must have a local chapter of Sigma Kappa Delta.
You should contact the local advisor of the chapter who can explain steps in becoming a member.
Check our Chapter Directory to find out if your school has a chapter and to find your local chapter's advisor.
Find a chapter & become a member
To pursue the advantages of Sigma Kappa Delta membership, contact the chair of your English department for assistance in establishing a chapter or ask an English faculty member if s/he would help you charter a chapter at your school.
Only a full-time faculty member can verify eligibility for membership, so it is imperative that a school first have
a chapter with a faculty advisor.
Also, see Chartering Chapters
Can I lose membership in Sigma Kappa Delta?
No: Once a member, always a member. Dues are for lifetime membership.
Replacing a lost/ruined Membership - Student Answer
Contact your Chapter Advisor to request a replacement certificate. A replacement certificate will be emailed to the Chapter Advisor for a fee of $10.00.
Eligibility for Awards & Scholarships
Sigma Kappa Delta offers various awards and scholarships. You may be eligible for some but not for others. Read the directions/criteria for each award/scholarship carefully. Please see the scholarship/award information on this website for specific information.
Local chapter officer responsibilities
A list of responsibilities of the local chapter officers is in the Chapter Handbook Section 7 (pg 14).
Sigma Kappa Delta National Office
Northern Illinois University
Dekalb, Illinois, 60115
Advisor FAQ's
Membership eligibility
Active members must meet the following requirements:
Be enrolled in a two-year college with a Sigma Kappa Delta Chapter.
Have completed a minimum of one college course (excluding developmental courses) in English language or literature.
Have no grade lower than a B in English.
Have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) in general scholarship.
Have completed at least one semester or two quarters of college course work for a cumulative total of twelve semester hours.
Students are not required to be English majors.
Finding a chapter
Go to the Chapter Directory on our website. Chapters are listed alphabetically by school name. If your school has a local chapter, the advisor's name and contact information will be shown on this directory.
The directory will also show Chapters that have become inactive. To re-activate a chapter, see the Petition to Charter page and follow the instructions for reactivation of Chapter.
Starting a chapter
Find a faculty member who will serve as the chapter's advisor.
see Chartering a Chapter
The faculty member should then print a Petition to Charter form. The completed application form includes signatures of 6 interested members (students and faculty) who would support the local chapter's formation on your campus.
The chartering process includes securing a letter from the President of your school, giving permission for Sigma Kappa Delta to be recognized on your campus.
Contact the Sigma Kappa Delta National office at skd@niu.edu for more information
What chapters do...
Hold a membership drive. National SKD offers recruiting materials at no charge to chapters. The National Recruiting Drive is held in September in conjunction with International Literacy Day.
Hold a formal induction ceremony. Examples, which may be tailored to your chapter, are located in the Chapter Handbook.
Chapters are encouraged to hold periodic meetings that members are urged to attend
Old and new business is discussed which usually centers on the fun chapter activities
Some chapter activities include the following:
Attending art exhibits, plays, movies, musical concerts, etc.
Holding poetry readings
Various parties such as Shakespeare birthday parties, Christmas parties, come-as-a-literary-character Halloween parties, etc.
Movie nights (or days) on campus
Book discussions
Writers' Conferences
Fundraising activity (Examples):
Becoming a vendor and selling items (food, books,) at a local festival
Holding a community yard sale on campus
Hosting a writer on campus
Selling merchandise
Replacing lost/ruined membership certificate
Contact your Chapter Advisor to request a replacement certificate. A replacement certificate will be emailed to the Chapter Advisor for a fee of $10.00
Send request to:
State the name of the school the student attended.
Induction year (approximately)
Chapter name
The membership lists for that school and year must then be checked to verify membership.
Include a $10 replacement certificate fee.
A replacement membership certificate will then be emailed to your Chapter Advisor. The new certificate will include some blank lines where the chapter advisor and the chapter president must sign.
Our relationship to Sigma Tau Delta
We consider Sigma Tau Delta our "parent" organization.
We do attend their national convention and are considered a valuable part of their convention activities. However, Sigma Kappa Delta membership does not guarantee membership in Sigma Tau Delta.
Submitting an article for the Hedera Helix, SKD's national journal
You (student) MUST be a member of Sigma Kappa Delta to be considered for publication in our journal.
Look at the Awards and Scholarships page, for criteria and deadlines.
Check out our Publications page.
Sigma Kappa Delta National Office
Northern Illinois University
Dekalb, Illinois 60115
Advisor Tips
Refer to the Chapter Handbook for useful information.
There is too much work!
If possible, have a co-advisor (or two) to help divide the duties.
Let SKD members help with the recruitment mailing, induction ceremony, and other tasks.
How do I recruit new members?
Recruit new members once a year by requesting a printout of all eligible students from the Registrar.
Send a prospect list to the national office, and the students will receive an invitation to join.
How do I get merchandise, news, and conference information?
ShopSKD.com has a wide range of SKD products and merchandise that can be purchased by both the member and the chapter.
Use this website for forms, graphics, and information.
Monthly e-news is sent from the national office to help keep you informed and to encourage sharing ideas.
Your national office is always available to help you in any way. All you have to do is email.
Is the student treasurer responsible for the chapter money?
No. The treasurer consults with the advisor on money matters Chapter Handbook Section 7 (pg 14). The advisor should keep all chapter accounts.