2021 Sigma Kappa Delta Virtual Convention

Because of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, last week we made the difficult decision to transition our planning for the 2021 Sigma Tau Delta Convention in Denver to a Virtual Convention for next March. We want to preserve the most important parts of the convention tradition, including student and advisor presentations, inspiring speakers, and student leadership and social activities. While we cannot meet in person, we want this virtual convention to provide exciting opportunities for participation in meaningful ways. We hope that chapters who could not travel to Denver can take advantage of many of these opportunities.
Thursday, March 25, 6:30pm - 7:15pm (CST) SKD Meet and Greet.
SKD National Board and office staff invite all SKD members to join us virtually for a 30 minute get together. Plan on having a little fun with our virtual "ice-breaker" game!
Friday, March 26, 11:00am - 12:00pm (CST) SKD Faculty Roundtable.
The Next Normal: Since this year marks the 25th anniversary of Sigma Kappa Delta, advisors will reflect on the benefits of guiding students to take advantage of what chapter involvement offers, then and now.
Friday, March 26, 4:00pm - 5:00pm (CST) Karen Auvinen (Guest Speaker and author of the common reader)
Friday, March 26, 5:30pm - 7:20pm (CST) SKD Awards Ceremony followed by Advisor Meeting.
Be prepared to virtually cheer for those individuals who have won the national writing contests and scholarships. We also present the chapter annual awards for best literary magazine and chapter activity. After the ceremony, national board members will meet with advisors to vote for the new SKD Board of Directors.
Saturday, March 27, 2:30pm - 3:30pm (CST) SKD Member Roundtable.
From Fright to Flight: How the Pandemic Gave Me Wings: The world has changed and so have we, whether by choice or not. Students will discuss personal and academic metamorphoses.
Saturday, March 27, 4:00pm - 5:00pm (CST) Michael Branch (Guest Speaker)
Please see the link below for a schedule of the SKD Events.
SKD Event Schedule
Help Guide to Register for Sessions/Create a personalized schedule for the convention.
SKD Help Guide
Of course, all events are open to all registrants. Make sure to check the schedule to see what other events and roundtables you would like to attend by clicking on the links below.
Schedule of events Roundtable Schedule
Common Reader

Rough Beauty: Forty Seasons of Mountain Living
Karen Auvinen
Rough Beauty is a memoir that recounts Auvinen’s journey from a restrictive childhood to find her vocation in writing and her connection with the “rough beauty” in the Colorado mountains and among a community of quirky and often contrarian individualists. She chronicles her many transformations along the way: changing her name, moving to an isolated cabin, learning to live with the beautiful but brutal mountain seasons and with the animals around her, forging a place in her unusual community, coming to terms with her family and its history, earning degrees in poetry and literature, becoming a teacher, surviving disasters of fire and flood, and exploring her own evolution through the “forty seasons,” ten years living alone with her dog, Elvis, in her mountain home.